Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Brethren

Cover picture from Wikipedia
Three convicted former judges have the perfect blackmail scam until they hit on the wrong victim...


John Ray Grisham, Jr., an American author, best known for his popular legal thrillers.

Three former judges (known as "The Brethren") incarcerated at Trumble, a fictional, federal minimum security prison located in northern Florida, develop a scam to blackmail wealthy closeted gay men. With the help of their lawyer, Trevor Carson, they transfer their ill-gotten money to a secret Bahamian bank account.Meanwhile, Teddy Maynard, the ruthless and soon-to-retire director of the CIA, is orchestrating a scheme to control the United States presidential election. Aaron Lake, a strongly pro-defense expenditure candidate has been identified and Maynard is determined to control him - and then get him elected. (source: Wikipedia)


While I was waiting for my visa extension at the immigration office in Tamale, Ghana, I saw this book lying on the desk of one of the officers. Knowing that it could take a while, I started reading it and found it quite intriguing, almost regretting when it was my turn. I put the book back and collected my passport.

A few months later, on a transit flight from Mumbai to Accra, I had to spent some time at the Addis Ababa airport in Ethiopia. In a small bookstore, I found this book again, second handed and bought it without a doubt. Although I did not have enough dollars on me, I was able to convince the old storekeeper to sell it to me for a lesser amount.

Back in Tamale, after reading it, I swapped it with Beth for Code to Zero from Ken Follett.

On the flight back, stopping at Addis Ababa, I did not find the same old man that sold me the book, but I left a few dollars behind with his colleague.


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